Why is sex good for you?

Image of a man smiling after doing marriage counseling in Houston, TX.  As a sex therapist, I know how difficult it is when you have problems in your sex life. A marriage counselor near me can help you learn to improve your sex life and communication

It can feel like so much work to have a good sex life, so you may be asking yourself why should I bother? But there are a ton of benefits to having a good sex life with your partner. Below are some of the ways sex can be good for you and your relationship, both emotionally and physically.

Benefits of having sex

  • Having physical fun can help couples feel more connected and excited about their relationship.

  • Orgasm releases oxytocin, a feel-good hormone.

  • Oxytocin helps boost feelings of love, affection, attraction, and euphoria.

  • Orgasms can block pain (including back pain, menstrual cramps, and arthritic pain).

  • Orgasm also releases the chemical prolactin, which can help improve sleep.

  • Sex improves heart health by keeping testosterone and estrogen in balance.

  • Sex expends energy and can count as exercise!

  • Sex releases endorphins, which boost mood.

  • Sex can help you feel relaxed and decrease your blood pressure.

  • Sex improves bladder control in women because orgasm strengthens the pelvic floor.

  • Sex can improve self-esteem. If feels good to be desired.

  • Sex can improve the immune system by boosting the body’s ability to make protective antibodies to help defend against germs, viruses, and other viruses

Having sex can actually boost your sex drive, increasing all of the above benefits. Having sex will often lead to the desire for more sex. In women, it can increase blood flow to the vagina as well as elasticity which can make sex feel better.

A same-sex lesbian couple embracing after going through marriage counseling in Texas. Marriage counseling can help if you are unsatisfied with your sex life. We have some of the best marriage therapists and can do sex therapy to help you deal with pr

If your sex life isn’t great, you can make changes

This list may make sex sound like the solution to everything. Obviously, that isn’t the case. But I do think a good sex life can go a long way towards strengthening the bond you have with your partner, and it has a lot of side benefits as well. Knowing this may make it easier to motivate yourself to work on your intimacy.

No couple you know with a good sex life got there by accident. They have taken the time to cultivate the relationship, to talk through what is not working, and to be attentive to their partner’s needs.

Get help when you need it

There are some reasons why it may be challenging to work on your sex life. I discussed some of the barriers to good sex life in this blog post (add link). If that is the case, I suggest working with your physician and a couples therapist to work through some of those issues.

Image of a woman naked in bed after a satisfying sexual encounter. She learned to deal with pain during sex and an unhappy sex life through marriage counseling and sex therapy in Houston.

If you need help working on your sex life, or working on the issues that are keeping you from being able to enjoy sex, please give us a call at 713-565-0922. or request an appointment online.