ADHD Treatment in Houston & Online ADHD Therapy in Texas

Are you struggling to manage your ADHD?

Do you feel like your mind is constantly racing, making it difficult to focus on tasks? 

Is it challenging to stay organized and follow through with your responsibilities? 

Is impulsivity causing problems in your relationships or at work? 

Do you have trouble staying focused?

Do you constantly feel restless?

Do you feel like you're struggling to keep up?

You may have ADHD and our Texas ADHD therapists can help!

Image of kids making funny faces. Discover the benefits of ADHD Counseling in Houston at Wilson Counseling. Skilled therapists will help you and your kids navigate the neurodivergent life.

Symptoms of ADHD

While ADHD can manifest differently in each individual, common symptoms of ADHD include

  • Inattention: Difficulty paying attention to details, making careless mistakes, or staying focused on tasks.

  • Hyperactivity: Restlessness, fidgeting, or difficulty staying seated in situations where it's expected.

  • Impulsivity: Acting without thinking, interrupting others, or having difficulty waiting your turn.

IS ADHD affecting your work, relationships & self-worth

If you're nodding along to these lists, you're not alone. Living with ADHD can feel like an uphill battle, but there is hope. ADHD can impact various aspects of life, from work and school to relationships and daily routines. Living with ADHD can feel overwhelming at times, making it hard to concentrate, stay organized, or control your impulses. You might feel frustrated, misunderstood, or even hopeless. Our ADHD therapy services in Houston are designed to provide you with the support and tools you need to manage your symptoms and thrive.

Whether you're a student trying to stay focused in class, an adult juggling multiple responsibilities at work, or a parent navigating the challenges of raising a child with ADHD, we understand the impact that ADHD can have on your life. Our experienced therapists are here to offer guidance, support, and practical strategies to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Image of words describing ADHD. Exploring the unique facets of ADHD through specialized counseling for kids in Houston, Texas. Tailored support, understanding, and empowerment for every child's journey.

ADHD affects millions of adults and children worldwide

Living with ADHD can feel like an isolating experience, but you're not alone. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, affecting millions of adults and children worldwide. It's important to recognize that seeking help for ADHD is not a sign of weakness; it's a courageous step towards understanding yourself better and learning effective strategies to thrive despite your challenges.

Image of hyperactive kids jumping on hay. Navigating the unique strengths and challenges of ADHD with specialized counseling in Houston, Texas. Providing tailored support from skilled Houston counselors.

What is the best kind of therapy for ADHD in Houston?

At Wilson Counseling, we understand the challenges individuals with ADHD face in managing their symptoms and navigating daily life. Our approach to ADHD therapy is rooted in empathy, collaboration, and evidence-based techniques aimed at empowering clients to thrive despite their challenges.

During the initial sessions, we take the time to understand your unique experiences with ADHD. We'll discuss your symptoms, challenges, and goals for therapy, as well as any previous diagnoses or treatment experiences you may have had. This comprehensive assessment helps us tailor our approach to meet your specific needs.

Identifying Strengths and Challenges:

We work collaboratively with you to identify your strengths and challenges related to ADHD. By understanding both the areas where you excel and the areas where you struggle, we can develop a personalized treatment plan focused on building on your strengths while addressing your specific challenges.

A significant aspect of ADHD therapy involves learning practical skills and strategies to manage symptoms and improve daily functioning. Skill building can empower clients to navigate daily tasks and responsibilities more successfully.

Skills you learn in ADHD therapy

  • Time management

  • Organization 

  • Task prioritization to help you better manage your time and responsibilities

  • Mindfulness techniques to enhance focus and reduce impulsivity.

  • Self-regulation

Behavioral Interventions for ADHD:

We incorporate behavioral interventions to help clients modify their behaviors and habits in ways that support their goals, including the following:

  • Implementing routines

  • Setting achievable goals

  • Implementing strategies to minimize distractions

Cognitive Restructuring for ADHD:

We use cognitive-behavioral techniques to help you identify and challenge negative thought patterns related to ADHD. By reframing unhelpful beliefs and developing more adaptive thinking patterns, you can better manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

Solution-Focused Therapy for ADHD:

We take a solution-focused approach to therapy, focusing on identifying solutions rather than dwelling on problems. By emphasizing your strengths and successes, we can help you build confidence and resilience in managing ADHD-related challenges.

Image of a kid with ADHD getting distracted. Understand ADHD more and help your kid learn skills to cope with having ADHD.

How does Therapy Help with ADHD in Houston?

Therapy for ADHD offers a multitude of benefits for individuals struggling with the challenges of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Here are some key advantages:

Understanding and Acceptance: 

Therapy provides a safe space for individuals with ADHD to gain a deeper understanding of their condition and its impact on their lives. Through therapy, clients can learn to accept their ADHD diagnosis and develop a sense of self-compassion, reducing feelings of shame or inadequacy.

Improved Self-Esteem: 

Many individuals with ADHD struggle with low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Therapy helps clients recognize their strengths and accomplishments, fostering a sense of self-worth and confidence. As clients develop competence in managing their ADHD symptoms, they often experience a boost in self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Better Relationships: 

ADHD can strain relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues. Therapy provides a platform for you to explore how ADHD impacts interpersonal dynamics and to develop strategies for improving communication and conflict-resolution skills. As clients learn to manage their ADHD symptoms more effectively, they often experience stronger and more fulfilling relationships.

Regulating emotions: 

ADHD is often accompanied by difficulties with emotional regulation, leading to mood swings, impulsivity, and irritability. Therapy teaches techniques for recognizing and managing emotions in healthy ways–reducing stress and enhancing overall emotional well-being.

Academic and Occupational Success: 

By learning to manage your ADHD symptoms, you can experience improvements in academic and occupational performance. Therapy helps you develop study and work habits that capitalize on your strengths while mitigating the impact of ADHD-related challenges, leading to greater success and satisfaction in these areas.

Image of an adolescent kid with ADHD trying counseling. Nurturing growth and fostering communication through specialized therapy for kids with ADHD in Houston, Texas. Tailored support for every child's unique journey.

Types of ADHD

At Wilson Counseling Service, we understand that navigating Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be complex. One of the most common questions we receive from clients is, "How do I know what type of ADHD I have?" And a lot of people assume you have to be hyperactive to have ADHD, but that is not the case.

The specific type of ADHD can significantly impact treatment and management strategies. Let's delve into the different types of ADHD to shed some light on this question of what type of ADHD do I have.

1. Predominantly Inattentive Presentation (ADHD-PI):

Individuals with ADHD-PI often struggle with maintaining focus, sustaining attention, and organizing tasks. They may frequently lose things, appear forgetful, and have difficulty following through on instructions or completing tasks. Clients experiencing predominantly inattentive symptoms might find it challenging to concentrate on tasks that aren't stimulating or interesting to them.

2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Presentation (ADHD-PH):

ADHD-PH is characterized by hyperactivity and impulsivity. Individuals with this presentation may find it hard to sit still, constantly fidget, or talk excessively. They might act impulsively without considering the consequences, interrupt conversations, and have difficulty waiting for their turn. Clients with predominantly hyperactive-impulsive symptoms might struggle with self-regulation and impulse control.

3. Combined Presentation (ADHD-C):

This type encompasses symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. Clients with ADHD-C often exhibit a mix of symptoms from both presentations. They may struggle with maintaining focus, be easily distracted, have difficulty sitting still, and act impulsively. Recognizing the combined presentation is essential for tailoring interventions to address both sets of symptoms effectively.

Identifying the specific type of ADHD can be challenging without professional guidance. At Wilson Counseling Service, our experienced ADHD treatment counselors are dedicated to providing comprehensive assessments and personalized support to help you understand your unique ADHD profile. Through thorough evaluations and collaborative discussions, we work with you to develop tailored strategies for managing symptoms and improving daily functioning.

Is it time to seek Therapy for ADHD in Texas?

Do you feel like ADHD is holding you back from reaching your full potential? If so, ADHD counseling in Houston can help.

If you're experiencing problems with attention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity that are impacting your daily life, it may be time to consider seeking professional support. ADHD can affect people of all ages, from children to adults, and getting the right treatment can make a significant difference in your ability to manage symptoms and thrive.

Living with ADHD can be frustrating and overwhelming, leaving you feeling like you're constantly falling short of your goals. But it doesn't have to be this way. With the right support and guidance, you can learn to harness your strengths and overcome the challenges associated with ADHD.

Image of a kid with ADHD who tried counseling that has significant skills improvement. A substantial percentage of individuals witness improvements in communication, social interactions, and adaptive behaviors. Discover the transformative impact of p

Counseling Can Help with ADHD ONline in Texas

Counseling can be a powerful tool in managing the symptoms of ADHD and improving overall well-being. At Wilson Counseling, we've had the privilege of helping many individuals just like you navigate the challenges of ADHD and experience meaningful improvements in their lives. From children struggling in school to adults feeling overwhelmed at work, we've seen firsthand the transformative impact that therapy can have.

We understand the frustration and uncertainty that often accompany a diagnosis of ADHD. It's not easy to feel like you're constantly battling against your mind, but we want you to know that you're not alone. Our team of experienced therapists is here to offer you support, guidance, and hope as you embark on your journey toward better ADHD management.

The Wilson Counseling Approach to ADHD Therapy

We recognize that every individual is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and goals. While we may draw upon various therapeutic modalities, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for ADHD, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for ADHD, or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for ADHD, our focus is always on providing you with practical strategies and tools that you can incorporate into your daily life.

Whether it's learning to manage impulsivity, improving organizational skills, or enhancing self-esteem, we're here to help you develop the skills and confidence you need to thrive despite ADHD. Our goal is to empower you to take control of your ADHD and live a fulfilling life on your terms.

Image of a puzzle. Therapy approach at Wilson Counseling is not a one size fits all. It will be tailored to your needs. You can schedule your sessions late and do it in-person or virtual.

What are the steps of ADHD therapy at Wilson Counseling?

1. Initial Assessment:

Your journey in ADHD therapy begins with an initial assessment session. During this session, your therapist will take the time to get to know you, understand your unique experiences with ADHD, and discuss your goals for therapy. You'll have the opportunity to share your symptoms, challenges, and any previous experiences with treatment. This comprehensive assessment helps your therapist tailor the therapy to meet your specific needs and goals.

2. Collaborative Goal Setting:

Once your therapist has a thorough understanding of your experiences and goals, you will collaborate to set specific, achievable goals for therapy. These goals may include improving focus and attention, developing organization and time management skills, enhancing self-esteem, or improving relationships. Your therapist will work with you to prioritize these goals and develop a plan to address them effectively.

3. Skill-Building and Strategies:

A significant aspect of ADHD therapy involves learning practical skills and strategies to manage your symptoms and improve your daily functioning. Your therapist will teach you techniques such as time management, organization, and task prioritization to help you better manage your responsibilities. You'll also learn strategies for managing impulsivity, improving focus, and reducing distractibility.

4. Exploration and Reflection:

In therapy sessions, you'll have the opportunity to explore the impact of ADHD on various areas of your life, such as relationships, work or school, and self-esteem. Your therapist will guide you through reflection exercises to help you gain insight into your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to ADHD. This process of exploration and reflection can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding.

5. Ongoing Support and Feedback:

Throughout your therapy journey, you'll receive ongoing support and feedback from your therapist. Your therapist will provide encouragement, validation, and guidance as you work towards your goals. They'll also offer feedback on your progress, helping you stay motivated and focused on your journey towards better ADHD management and overall well-being.

Image of question marks. It is common for parents to have concerns about ADHD counseling. Wilson Counseling in Houston is ready to address those concerns.

I want ADHD therapy, but have some concerns

I don’t want to be labeled or have my kid labeled with ADHD.

We understand that there can be a stigma surrounding mental health issues like ADHD. However, it's important to remember that seeking help is a courageous step towards improving your well-being. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, not a personal failing, and seeking counseling is a proactive way to manage its challenges. We don’t focus on labels so much as in helping you find solutions to live your best life.

My ADHD is not that bad, do I really need ADHD Therapy?

It's common for individuals to minimize or deny their ADHD symptoms, believing they can manage on their own. However, untreated ADHD can significantly impact various areas of life. Counseling can provide strategies and support to help you navigate these challenges more effectively, leading to better outcomes in school, work, and relationships.

I don’t want to get medicated or rely on medicine to get by.

Medication is just one aspect of ADHD treatment, and it's not the right choice for everyone. Counseling can provide alternative or complementary approaches to medication, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness techniques, and organizational strategies. Our therapists will work with you to develop a treatment plan that aligns with your preferences and goals.

Isn’t ADHD therapy expensive?

We understand that cost and accessibility can be significant barriers to seeking counseling. Ultimately therapy is an investment that will pay dividends both emotionally, but also financially in the long term. You will find you do better at your job, in relationships, and that you are better able to focus and be efficient.

I don’t have time for ADHD therapy.

That's why we offer flexible scheduling options, including evening and weekend appointments, as well as teletherapy services for those who may have difficulty attending in-person sessions. 

I am not sure that I have ADHD. Should I still start counseling?

If you're unsure whether your symptoms are related to ADHD or if you're hesitant to label yourself with a diagnosis, we're here to help. Our therapists are experienced in working with individuals who may be newly diagnosed or unsure about seeking help. We can provide information, support, and guidance to help you better understand your experiences and navigate the path forward.

Remember, seeking counseling for ADHD is a proactive step towards better understanding yourself and finding effective ways to manage your symptoms. You deserve support, understanding, and the opportunity to live your life to its fullest potential.

Image of parents getting coaching session to learn how to understand their kid with ADHD better. Our Houston coaching services provide valuable support, equipping parents with effective strategies and insights to navigate challenges and celebrate vic


  • Schedule an appointment about how counseling can help you create a healthy, meaningful, empowered life.

  • Sign up for our email list to get mental health resources sent to you monthly and a free audio series with six keys to conquering anxiety, stress, and depression immediately upon signing up.

In addition to ADHD Services, we have other mental health services in our Houston, TX counseling office in the following areas. Our caring therapists also offer:

Online Counseling, Anxiety Treatment, Eating Disorder Counseling, Family Therapy, Couples and Marriage Counseling, Premarital CounselingSchool and College Counseling, Child Therapy, Autism TherapyTrauma Therapy, PTSD Treatment, EMDR Therapy, Parenting Counseling, Infertility Counseling, Perinatal and Postpartum Depression TreatmentTeen Counseling, Career Counseling, LPC Supervision, LGBTQ+ Counseling.

If you're ready to embark on the journey, reach out to Wilson Counseling for support with autism. Together, we can help you build a strong foundation for a resilient future.