Teen Therapy

How to deal with a highly critical parent and still feel good about yourself

How to deal with a highly critical parent and still feel good about yourself

Dealing with a highly critical parent can be challenging and overwhelming, leading to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem, and self-doubt. As a therapist in Houston, TX, I often see clients who struggle with this issue, and I understand the impact it can have on one's mental health. In this blog post, we will explore practical strategies and coping mechanisms for dealing with a highly critical parent. By implementing these techniques, you can learn to manage your emotions and overcome the negative effects of parental criticism, ultimately leading to a healthier and happier life.

The effects of highly critical parents

The effects of parental criticism can range from low self-esteem and lack of confidence to depression and anxiety. As a Houston therapist, I often see clients who struggle with the long-term effects of growing up with a critical parent. In this blog post, we will dive into the effects of highly critical parents and how it can affect an individual's life in adulthood. By understanding the root causes and consequences of parental criticism, we can take steps to heal and move forward toward a more positive future.

Alternatives to self harm

Alternatives to self harm

Self-harm can be an unhealthy way of coping. When you are in emotional pain, sometimes making yourself feel pain on the outside can feel like a catharsis. This post helps you find healthier alternatives when you are upset. If you are struggling, one of our Houston Anxiety counselors can help. Call today at 713-565-0922.

Grounding Technique to Deal with Anxiety

Grounding Technique to Deal with Anxiety

I don’t have to tell you how stressful life can be. It’s hard to keep the anxiety at bay sometimes. Living with regular anxiety can make you feel disconnected from the here and now. You may find your mind wandering or having trouble controlling racing thoughts. All of this stress can also take a toll on you physically. One of those tools for dealing with anxiety is a grounding technique. Our Houston Anxiety therapy can help you feel calmer. Call today at 713-565-0922.